Railroad Crossing Accidents

Home $ Railroad Crossing Accidents

Duncan Firm

Whether shipping freight or traveling cross country, trains have been an important part of the development of the United States. In recent years, trains have once again seen an increase in popularity as a mode of transportation. With more and more trains moving across the country, the more train and railroad crossing accidents there will be. Due to the size and speed of trains, any type of collision or derailment will usually result in serious personal injury or death.

Accidents at railroad crossings occur due to:

  • Areas around crossings are not being properly maintained (overgrown vegetation, trees not being cut down, buildings) and can block a driver’s view of the tracks
  • Improperly working equipment such as crossing gates, bells, and lights that are broken or not installed to keep people and vehicles away while trains cross the intersection
  • Railroad worker negligence such as not sounding the whistle at highly populated crossings
  • Overworked and exhausted train engineers
  • Improper training in emergency situations

According to the Federal Railroad Administration, there is a train collision or derailment every 90 minutes. In each of the last ten years, about 3,000 railroad crossing accidents have taken place with an annual rate of 1,000 deaths. Unfortunately, Arkansas had almost 50 railroad accidents in 2008, 10% of which were fatalities.

The railroad injury lawyers at the Duncan Firm have considerable experience handling claims against railroad companies when their negligence has resulted in serious injury or death. Call us today at (501) 228-7600 today for a free review of your case.

Causes of Railroad Crossing Accidents

Some railroad crossing accidents occur because the rail company fails to maintain the area around the tracks. Trees, large buildings, and overgrown vegetation can all block a driver’s view of an oncoming train until it is too late. In other railroad crossing accidents, improperly working equipment may be the culprit. Crossing gates, bells, and lights that are broken or missing can also contribute to these tragic collisions.

Negligence on the part of the railroad workers can also cause accidents at rail crossings. Workers who do not sound the train’s whistle while approaching a heavily populated intersection at a high speed can end in disaster. Drivers of passenger vehicles may be unaware that the train is even approaching. Some rail workers are overworked or do not have the proper training necessary to handle a dangerous situation at a railroad crossing.

If you or a loved one has been injured or died as a result of a train accident in or around Little Rock, please contact the qualified railroad injury lawyers at the Duncan Firm by phone at (501) 228-7600 or online today to schedule a no-cost, no-obligation consultation.

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