Google Glass And Little Rock Truck Accidents

Home $ 18 Wheeler Accidents $ Google Glass And Little Rock Truck Accidents

Duncan Firm

Google Glass will not be available to the general public until 2014, but incidents involving beta testers have brought numerous safety concerns to light. One of these concerns involves the potential Google Glass has of distracting drivers if worn while operating a vehicle. More worrisome is the use of Google Glass by commercial drivers who can place everyone on the road at significant risk when not paying full attention to the task of operating their vehicle.

Truck accidents are often fatal and almost always result in serious injury to the occupants of smaller vehicles. When you are injured by a negligent trucker, you are entitled to seek compensation through aggressive legal action. The Little Rock truck accident lawyers at the Duncan Firm are here to take your case and fight for your rights, helping secure the maximum compensation you deserve.

Can Truckers Use Google Glass?

Arkansas law prohibits commercial drivers from using handheld devices while operating their vehicles. Google Glass, however, is not handheld. Instead, Google Glass projects images just above the line of vision, allowing a user to send emails, browse the internet, and perform other actions not related to driving.

Can truckers use Google Glass in Arkansas? Most likely yes. But if their use of this product results in harm to you or your family, we are here to hold them accountable and get you the justice you are due.

If you have been injured by a distracted trucker, please contact the Duncan Firm to discuss your case with one of our Little Rock truck accident attorneys today.

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