Summer Driving More Deadly Than Winter In Little Rock
Duncan Firm
While many in Arkansas assume winter is the most dangerous month for motorists, when the state receives a majority of its annual snow and rainfall, the data shows just the opposite. According to statistics published by the Arkansas State Police, the number of fatal car accidents peaks in the month of June (51 accidents) and stays higher-than-average through the summer (36 is the monthly average, with 40 in July and 45 in August).
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) cites the following causes for the summer increase:
- Drivers tend to be more alert when it’s darker outside, as seen in the winter months
- Clear skies on bright summer day can lull drivers into a false sense of safety and complacency that leads to distracted driving
- Less experienced teen drivers tend to be out of school for the summer, spending 44% more time on the road
- Overall road travel peaks in Summer months as people take road trips
- Drunk driving spikes in the summer
Duncan Firm wishes everyone in Little Rock and throughout the state a safe summer of driving!
If you or a family member was involved in a big-truck traffic accident, please contact Duncan Firm as soon as possible. We can assess your case at no cost or obligation.
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