Cyber Attacks On Cars
Duncan Firm
Advanced technology has been integrated into nearly every newer model car and there is no sign that this trend will stop any time soon. In fact, as computers become inseparable from every facet of our existence, more on-board entertainment, navigation, and personal assistant technology can be expected to appear in even base models. However, as computers become smarter, so too do those who wish to obtain your financial and personal information – and this issue is beginning to impact drivers whose on-board electronics are attached to networks both within and outside of their vehicles.
What can be Done?
To protect yourself against cyber theft while driving, it is important that you follow the same safety precautions you would with any wireless electronic device. You can further enhance your security by not connecting your on-board devices to networks on which financial transactions are completed. The auto industry is currently working on enhancing security, but until something effective is in place, guarding your privacy is something you need to do on your own.
Is this a Liability Issue?
If your information is stolen and exploited via cracks in the security of on-board devices, you may be entitled to seek compensation through legal action. Whether or not this is a vehicle defect has yet to be established in court, but certainly car companies have a responsibility to protect the financial security of those who may use electronics included in their vehicles. If you have been the victim of a cyber-attack, the experienced injury attorneys at the Duncan Firm can review your case free of charge to help you determine if you have cause to file suit.
To schedule a free consultation at our Little Rock office, please contact the Duncan Firm today. We fight for clients living in all areas of Arkansas.
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