Wrongful Death Due To Defective Products
Duncan Firm
It seems as though a product is being recalled every week due to some defect in its design or manufacture or some type of contamination. While there are government agencies charged with protecting consumers and ensuring what we buy is safe, with millions of products being produced in the US each year, it is not surprising that some dangerous, defective products still make their way to store shelves, auto dealerships, and pharmacy counters.
Did you know that a consumer has the right to personally enforce laws requiring the manufacturer to design and build safe products? Product liability is a complicated area of personal injury law that deals with injuries and deaths suffered due to a product defect. If you or a loved one is seriously injured while using a product, preserve the product then call the Duncan Firm at 501-381-1703. Our lawyers work hard to make the manufacturers of defective products pay for your injuries.
How Our Attorneys Can Help
With all the production and manufacturing safety precautions the government has in place, being seriously injured or dying as a result of a defective product ought to be preventable. Should the unthinkable happen, an Arkansas wrongful death lawyer at the Duncan Firm in Little Rock will be able to explain to you how a product liability lawsuit is filed. We will also give you an idea of what compensation the survivors of the deceased may be entitled to if the death was caused by someone else’s negligence.
For over 30 years, our family-run personal injury law firm has handled numerous complex, lengthy product liability cases, and we have had great success getting families just like yours the compensation they deserve. While we fully understand that money will not bring your loved one back, we will fight tirelessly to hold those accountable for their negligence or recklessness. We will get you the financial award you need to pay for medical bills, funeral expenses, and to begin the healing process.
Some Do’s and Don’ts Following a Big Truck Accident
- Do call for medical help and do call the police at the scene of the accident
- Do not admit fault to anyone
- Do not sign anything except the police report
- Do call your insurance company to give a brief statement of what happened but do not accept any settlement and keep in mind your conversations with insurance representatives are recorded so anything you say is considered when reviewing your claim
- Do get information about the other driver, their vehicle, etc.
- Do write down information about any eyewitness such as their names, phone numbers, etc.
- Do take pictures if at all possible
- Do note the weather conditions, any obstructions to the roadway or view, any construction or other road conditions that may have played a part in the accident
- Do document all medical attention received
- Do keep track of time lost from work and any lost wages, commissions, and expenses related to your injuries
- Do contact the Duncan Firm to get started on your case right away
Wrongful Death Cases Stemming from Product Liability Claims
When profit is more important than safety, the consumer is at risk. Often times, large corporations will know of danger associated with their product but market it nonetheless. While the FDA and the Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC) are in place to monitor what makes it to consumers, with the millions of products out there every year, it is not easy to monitor every product as carefully as it should be. Sometimes products will appear safe and yet a defect will be discovered some time later. Frequently, it is too late because lives have already been lost.
The Duncan Firm’s wrongful death attorneys have handled claims in which death resulted from:
- Defective automobiles
- Dangerous drugs
- Defective baby equipment and toys
- Defective tires
The Duncan Firm worked diligently for more than 10 years to get compensation for the family of a man killed in an SUV roof crush incident. Had the roof design and manufacture problems not been overlooked, this tragic death never would have occurred.
We have also handled many pharmaceutical litigation cases involving drugs such as Digitek, Yaz, Yasmin and Ocella. We will not stop fighting until we get you the compensation we all feel is fair and will help you recover from the devastation that goes with a needless loss such as a death from a defective product.
If you live in Little Rock or a surrounding area of Arkansas and have lost a loved one due to the negligence of others, please contact the wrongful death lawyers at the Duncan Firm by calling 501-381-1703 or filling out the form on this page to schedule your confidential consultation.
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